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The role of the interference polynomial in the Euler deconvolution algorithm

R. Pasteka


The Euler deconvolution method belongs to the most popular semi-automated interpretation techniques in gravimetry and magnetometry. During its application on real data, it was realised that it can be performed only with the additional constant term B (background term), because of the regional field components. In the proposed contribution, the idea of the interference polynomial from the Werner deconvolution is introduced into the Euler deconvolution algorithm. Its role can be seen on two levels: a) it helps to deal with the influence of neighbouring anomalies, b) only thanks to this modification is it possible to obtain real solutions for the correct value of the structural index of a contact structure in gravimetry (N = -1). On the other hand, the proposed modification amplifies the instability of the method and either the smoothing of the input field or the stabilisation of its gradient evaluation must be realised.