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Rapid instrumental check of vulnerability parameters on bridges for seismic risk mitigation purposes

S. Grimaz, P. Malisan, F. Barazza and R. Carniel


In recent years, Italian legislator has underlined the necessity of a seismic risk evaluation for relevant and strategic buildings, in order to define proper strategies for seismic risk mitigation. Most of the bridges should be considered as strategic structures for the importance of guaranteeing road connections, and therefore it is necessary to estimate the potential consequences in case of an earthquake. If a large amount of structures is involved, it is preferable to adopt an approach that permits a rapid check of some significant vulnerability parameters, both for sites and structures. In this paper, an ambient tremor measurement approach (PICOS-Vul method) is illustrated and it is shown how the method can be used for a direct and rapid characterization of some vulnerability parameters that represent the dynamical behaviour of each structure.