A comprehensive hydrographic data set of the Adriatic Sea, obtained merging the historical ATOS1 data set (Adriatic Temperature Oxygen and Salinity) with data from the MODB (Mediterranean Oceanic Data Base) and CTD data obtained from recent European research projects, is presented. Rigorous quality checks have f been applied to eliminate duplicate profiles and obtain a coherent and scientifically validated data set. By including CTD data, a better seasonal coverage of the Southern Adriatic Depression, with continuous measurements down to the bottom has been acquired. This made it possible to supplement existing work with a climatological analysis, supported by a good data resolution, of the thermohaline fields along characteristic cross-sections and in the deepest layer of the basin. An interannual variability of the Adriatic Deep Water (ADW) that resides in the Southern Adriatic Depression was detected.
Climatological analysis of the Adriatic Sea thermohaline characteristics