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Complex spatial distribution of onset amplitude and waveform correlation: case studies from different DAS experiments

E. Bozzi, G. Saccorotti, N. Piana Agostinetti, C. Becerril, A. Fichtner, S. Klaasen,
T. Nishimura, J. Shen, F. Walter and T. Zhu


Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) technology repurposes fiber optic cables (FOCs) into seismic arrays, offering unprecedented dense strain/strain-rate measurements. The metre-scale virtual sensor spacing is typically unattainable with standard seismological equipment. Consequently, DAS provides an extraordinary amount of suitable data for seismic monitoring applications. However, intrinsic characteristics of this technology, such as signal axial polarisation, coupling inhomogeneities, or sensitivity to site conditions, can affect seismic phase amplitudes and their coherence, potentially reducing the number of useful measurement points. To gain a deeper understanding on the relative importance of these phenomena, this study analyses ‘real data’ from various seismic events recorded by shallow-horizontal DAS deployments. Thus, we take advantage of the pool of different array dimensions and geometries to avoid biased observations. We focus on the spatial variability of P-wave amplitudes, signal-to-noise ratios and waveform correlation, ideally mimicking the usage of absolute and differential arrival times for seismological monitoring purposes. We observed significant amplitude variations, which cannot be fully explained by signal polarisation along the FOC. Additionally, waveform correlation often exhibits a complex and faster decay with interchannel distance. These findings suggest the importance of avoiding ‘blind’ usage of shallow-horizontal DAS arrays and emphasise the need for case-dependent data selection/weighting procedures.