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Using the innovative method of Cellar Weight Base Association to identify potential areas for gold exploration in Mahallat, Iran

A. Payamani, B. Babaei, S. Dehghan and H.A. Harouni


Mineral potential modelling and identifying promising areas are among the most important stages of preliminary exploration. Cell-Based Associations (CBA) is one of the recent and innovative mining processes in this regard. Designing the new method of Cellular Weight Based Association (CWBA) was initially based on the weight-cell weighting of maps. In this study, implementing CWBA on the 1:100,000 geological maps of Mahallat resulted in identifying and introducing promising points for gold mineralisation. For this purpose, we integrated three information layers of tectonic, geological data and remote sensing related to the pre-exploration of the Akhtarchi gold mine and considering Akhtarchi mine as the control. According to the results of the CWBA method, although all data in the present study are related to 2002-2005 when no mines were discovered as an anomaly, the anomalies overlap with the existing mines.