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Seismic site effects estimation from Probit analysis of the data of the 1976 Friuli earthquake (NE Italy)

S. Grimaz


After the earthquake of May 6, 1976 in Friuli (north-eastern Italy), a research team from the University of Udine (Italy) entered the data, compiled by specific technical groups immediately after the earthquake, on damage-inspection sheets, into a geolocated database. The database, named Fr.E.D. (Friuli Earthquake Damages), holds information on location, macroseismic intensity, construction typology and level of damage arising from the earthquake for each of the about 47,000 buildings. An �a posteriori� quantitative evaluation of local seismic response effects has been carried out using a Probit analysis of the data. In particular, relative amplification factors for some different geomorphological scenarios have been estimated.