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Damage scenarios in the Vittorio Veneto town center (NE Italy)

A. Bernardini, D. D’Ayala, F. Meroni, V. Pessina and M. Valluzzi


A vulnerability model, based on the inventory of residential buildings given by ISTAT1991 data and corrected through the AeDES survey, has been applied to develop seismic damage scenarios in the most populated zone of the Vittorio Veneto municipality. The repetition of the 1936 Cansiglio event (magnitude 5.8) and of an event of magnitude 6.7 generated by an hypothetic seismic source located in the Montello area have been considered, taking into account amplification effects due to local soil conditions. Moreover, for the historic site of Serravalle, the scenarios have been refined considering a more detailed classification of the traditional masonry types, based on the application of mechanical approaches to a representative sample of buildings.