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Interferometric SAR and laser scan data integration

D. Colombo, F. Coren and P. Sterzai


This paper describes the potential of a synergistic use of three remote sensing technologies: an airborne laser scanner, high-resolution optical data and satellite radar acquisitions. This methodology allows one to describe the terrain surface in extreme spatial detail and to extract information about possible surface deformation phenomena. More precisely, we generate geocoded products derived from the integration of airborne laser scan data, ortho-images and satellite interferometric data. This synergistic framework allows one to describe the territory in a multidimensional way. The spatial component is given by a high-accuracy digital elevation model from the laser scan acquisition; radiometric attributes are described by the high-resolution digital ortho-images, while the characterization of local dynamics is provided by the application of the so-called Permanent Scatterers technique, a new technique recently developed by the Politecnico of Milan, capable of detecting and monitoring possible range variations of a sub-set of privileged radar targets, on ground. A specific study area to build up a case history has been identified. The test-site is the historic town of Palmanova in Italy.