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Reduction to the pole of the aeromagnetic data of Zaria area, north central Nigeria

K.M. Lawal and I.B. Osazuwa


The reduction-to-the-pole technique was applied to the aeromagnetic data of the Zaria area, in the north central part of Nigeria. The data was obtained by digitizing six aeromagnetic maps which covered the area. Using a method from the literature, a computer software is developed to perform the general three dimensional case. After reducing the data to the pole, and comparing it to the total field, it is indicated that the technique eliminates the dipolar nature of the anomalies. The presence of positive anomalies in the reduced to the pole map, which exist in most parts of the area, validates the assumptions of induced magnetization within the area. The magnetization map also computed using the reduced to the pole field revealed some unexposed granitic intrusions within the area covered.