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The CHAMP geopotential mission

Ch. Reigber, P. Schwintzer and H. Lühr


CHAMP is a German small satellite mission aiming at the simultaneous
precise observation of both the gravity and magnetic field from a low altitude orbit.
Thanks to the dedicated orbit design, an unprecedented low altitude in a near polar
orbit, its continuous undisturbed observation of the magnetic field vector through
scalar and vector magnetometers and its continuous GPS satellite-to-satellite
tracking capability together with a direct on-board measurement of the non-
gravitational orbit perturbations, a dramatic improvement in the global modeling of
the magnetic field and also an order of magnitude improvement for the broad to
mesoscale structures of the gravity field can be expected. In addition, due to the
designed 5 years mission duration, temporal changes in both fields will1 be detectable
with a higher signal/noise ratio and at increased spatial resolution as it is possible
now. CHAMP was successfully launched on 15 July 2000.