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The submerged Alpidic chain from southern Sardinia shelf to the Pelagian riffing: tectonic history

R. Catalano, S. Infuso and A. Sulli


The structural grain and tectonic evolution of the NW-SE Sicilian-Maghrebian sector and of its Pelagian foreland forming the submerged Sardinia-Sicily Alpidic belt is described, mainly with a reinterpretation of the known scismic grid. In the Sicilian Maghrebian sector tbc crust is formed by an allochtonous belt composed of flysch-type thrust sfices stacked on an imbricate wedge composed of basin and platform carbonate thrusts derived from the deformation of the old Sicilian continental margin. Lower Miocene to lower Pleistocene foredeep (terrigenous and carbonate) deposits clastics filled the progressively onlapping foreland basins during compression. Timing of deformation spanned from early Miocene to early Pleistocene. The structural evolution of the Gela foredeep shows the kinematics and timing of emplacement of the "Gela Nappe", believed to be the present-day thrust front of the Sicilian aceretionary wedge. In the Pelagian foreland the Plio-Pleistocene tectono-sedimentary history of the Lampedusa-Linosa sector reveals that middle Pliocene extensional tectonics indicate a rifting mechanism for the Sicily Channel. This event was followed by inversion tectonics and late Pleistocene strong vertical tectonics.