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The internal origin of the Lagonegro domain and the tectonic setting of southern Apennines: a brief outline

E. Marsella, G. Pappone, B. D'Argenio, G. Cippitelli and W. Bally


During the past two decades most workers have accepted a paleogeographic model which places the Lagonegro Basin of the Southern Apennines in between the Carnpania-Lucania carbonate platform to the west and the Abruzzi-Campania platform to the east. Some also positioned further east a Molisebasin that separated the Abruzzi-Campania platform from the Apulia platform. The authors re-examine the situation in the light of their field work of the last few years, recently published stratigraphic information, and the subsurface data released by oil companies. It is concluded that earlier interpretations whichplace the Lagonegro Basin farther west, i.e., in a relatively more internal position and to the west of the Campania-Lucania platform, are more likely to be correct.