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The calculation of pseudo-Bouguer anomalies from total-intensity data using two-dimensional filters

W. Seiberl, P. Steinhauser, A. Biedermann and B. Sachs


A method based on Baranov’ s Reduction to the Pole, transformation is presented to calculate pseudo-Bouguer anomalies from total-intensity (T) measurements using Fourier’ s Theorem. The data transformation is performed via a two-dimensional convolution in which precalculated coefficient-matrices are used. The latter are dependent on both the induced and remanent magnetization of certain geological structures. By means of theoretical examples and real field measurements, obtained over a small volcano. The practical application of this method is examined. Quite good results can be obtained if additional information (e.g.: direction of the remanent magnetization or the density) of the disturbing body is available.